Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Prompt #10

Science is the subject I chose to look at not because it interests me, but because it plays such an important role in technology. People don't even realize how much they use science anymore. Stting here typing this blog I am using science, an innovation someone created and put together with their own ideas, and I'm not even considering how each key I type was put in a certain area for a reason. Science and thus technology will play an important role of my classroom whether it is used in the actual portrayal of information such as notes to the students, or my collection of grades and data about my students. Science is everywhere and very important.

Prompt #9

Issue #8 Facebook Point/Counterpoint: Can Facebook Replace Face-to-Face?

I believe that no matter how big of a phenomenon Facebook grows to be, it can never replace face-to-face interactions. It is constantly used to interact, yes, and maybe sometimes it replaces interactions and is a different way of distributing a message, but when it comes down to it, face to face interactions will always exist because group projects and discussions will still exist. Confrontation will never go away. Facebook has played a big role in communication within the past two years, but it will never take over the communications of the world.

Prompt #8

I will be analyzing issue number 2, Wikipedia Point/Counterpoint Wikipedia: Friend or Foe?

I believe that Wikipedia is a credible source and always very easy to access considering it is almost always on of the first results that pops up when you type something into Google. Wikipedia should not be your only source for information though because it is known that some of the information can be wrong. Simply getting the facts from Wikipedia and cross referencing them from other sources and making sure that they correlate with the other facts is imporant when using this handy and easily accessible and commonly used website.

Prompt #7

Yes, it is very important to incorporate the new technologies into classrooms as teachers, but it is more important to analyze what/if these technologies are making a significance difference in learning (in a positive way). If they are more of a distraction, the technology can easily be omitted and surely some other advancement will surface in the future that may be more helpful in learning. The Gretzy Principle says that "we need to be skating to where the pick is going be, not where it has already been." This quote is very true in my opinion because the bottom line is that students need to get the most out of there education whether that includes technology or not. Technology truely does help most of the time and helps kids for the future by linking calendars, communicating digitally, and so on.

Prompt #6

When I was in grade school, our teachers did not even have computers to compile grades into. Considering that that was grade school and averaging grades is not as important as it is high school, computers were just not common in the classroom. When I graduated from high school, SmartBoards existed in at least half the classrooms and every teacher has a laptop to store notes, homework, and grades. In a neighboring school, that had more funds, every student had IPads that replaced their textbooks. Needless to say, technology has progressed so much just within the past ten years.

Prompt #5

The five educational standards outlined by ISTE include fascilitate and inspiring student learning and creativity, design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments, model digital-age work and learning, promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility, and engage and professional growth and leadership. In order to meet these standards and use the proper amount of digital tools in the classroom a big influence will be including computers more into the students' learning process. Students learn about and with technology at home and this learning process can be broadened by including it in the classroom, but it does depends mostly on school funds.

Prompt #4

Student's can achieve the six educational standards identified by ISTE in several different ways. The six standards are creativity and innovation, research and information fluency, communication and collaboration, critical thinking, digital citizenship, problem solving and descision making, and technology operations and concepts. Students can meet these standards by using the drawing pad application that comes on most phones in this day and age. Students communicate through twitter and facebook on an hourly basis. Google and other search engines are used more than ever which gives students the tools and information to critically think and problem solve by assisting them in their learning. New digital innovations are created every day and grow and popularize with every technologically educated student.

Prompt #3

As a future teacher, I believe that it is pertinent to incorporate the new technologies into the classroom. I know that many of my past teachers were stuck in their ways of how to teach lessons and how to introduce the information to the students, but with the technology that has come about, there are many innovations that can not only make teaching easier, but more successful because some and/or most students will find that style of teaching more effective because they have grown up with that technology.

Prompt #2

I feel that the new version of Bloom's taxonomy will work better for this day and age. There are some theories that will never become outdated, but they tend to be more simplistic and general. Bloom's taxonomy consists of multiple  steps that do not incorporate the new technology that has become part of everyday life as we know it. With in the next twenty years, the new version of Bloom's taxonomy might be outdated and a new theory will arise.

Prompt #1

The videos have showed me that the American education system does not incorporate technology as much in the classroom as it is used outside the classroom. If kids are becoming more adapt to technology and using it with there everyday lives and spending countless hours using technology, than as teachers it could be beneficial to us to incorporate it in our teaching styles. It is amazing how much technology has progressed in the past couple of years alone and if it is an influential and a substantial piece of  todays society than there is no reason to leave it out of the classroom.